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Step 1

Early Spring Lawn Treatment



March through April

Step 1 we will apply a custom blended, slow release fertilizer with pre-emergent herbicide on your whole lawn.  This will supply your lawn with much needed nutrients after a long winter and protect your lawn from crabgrass and other unwanted grassy weeds before they emerge from the soil.  


*The effectiveness of pre-emergent herbicide relies heavily on soil temperatures so application dates can be different year to year.



Step 2

Mid Spring Lawn Treatment



Mid May

Step 2 will utilize a balanced fertilizer to prepare your lawn for the stresses of summer heat and drought.  This blend also includes an enhancer that improves nutrient availability in the soil resulting in deeper, stronger roots, making it more resilient to stress and giving it longer lasting color.


Broadleaf weed control will also be applied to control dandelions and other summer perennial weeds.



Step 3

Early Summer Lawn Treatment




Step 3's application of slow release fertilizer will ensure your lawn has the nutrients it needs to recover from summer heat and drought stress.  This gentle fertilizer will not burn your lawn as the slow release portion only becomes available when moisture is present. 


The application will include insecticide that protects your lawn from both surface and sub-surface insects.  Chinch bugs and sod webworms, which have both had a resurgence of sorts recently, can destroy patches of your lawn from above leaving it brown and lifeless. It will also stop grubs from feeding on grass roots causing sections of your lawn to die.


*While the presence of the slow release fertilizer will help your lawn overcome the stresses of the mid-summer when rain or irrigation is present, prolonged drought will send your grass into dormancy as a protective measure.  If you plan to water your lawn to avoid dormancy, a deep watering of 1" per week will keep it green and promote a deeper root system.

Step 4

Early Fall Lawn Treatment



Early September

Step 4's fertilizer application is key to your lawns success as it promotes recovery from drought and heat-related injury sustained during midsummer.   Early fall is also the time of year your grass begins to manufacture and store carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are used by your lawn for root and rhizome growth, disease and stress tolerance, and protection from winter injury.


Fall is also the best time to control broadleaf weeds and we will take advantage of this with a blanket application.  In fall, weeds are making food for next year’s growth and sending it to the roots where it will be stored until used by the plants next spring. Herbicides applied at this time of year will also be transported to the roots, providing superior control.



Step 5

Late Fall Lawn Treatment



Mid October to Thanksgiving

Step 5 is our last fertilizer application of the year.  This will help your lawn resist winter injury and aid in disease and heat/drought stress resistance the following spring and summer. It can also increase rooting, allowing for an over all healthier lawn.

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